Friday 1 February 2008

Achievements: 1, Crackers: 4

I did it! I finished a well-overdue research/observation document. I had begun the limp looking document well over a week ago but due to, well, being pregnant and all the fun I've been having alongside that, have barely managed to function with regards to daily workload and academic analysis has all but gone out of the window.

Oh, fabulous - just received an out of office from the recipient til the 5th of February. Harumpf. Must maintain enthusiasm...

Now it is ten to twelve, when I can officially abandon the morning and welcome the afternoon with a marmite and cucumber sandwich. Gone are the carb-free days of yesteryear, where I used to sup on chickpea and spinach soup of a lunchtime, perhaps with a cracker or two mid morning or afternoon, and a few pieces of fruit. Gone are controlled breakfast proportions. Gone is delayed breakfast eating, gone is the distant days of old where I could go until 2:30 before heating my soup (beans on a Friday as a special treat, woop woop!).

The last two weeks have seen me stomach only simple, mostly carb related products, with frightening regularity. On a morning I have to eat breakfast instantly, to settle the wakening demons within my stomach, to appease their unrelenting demands, less I feel sick to the point that I can't think.

This has caused a major shift of my day in terms of food consumption, with hunger pangs now kicking in at an ungodly 10am, my last meal in the early hours of the morning, to the point that by lunch time (if that's what you can just about get away with calling midday, although to my mind 1pm was always a safer bet) I have consumed an unhealthy amount of crackers (I have an assortment) and usually half a pound of dried apricots.

My usual trick of settling my ravenous stomach has been a cup of tea. Not so any more, when I have to psyche myself up for a cup of the once devoured drink. I long to ache for a cup of tea, rather than go 'hmm, I think, if I'm careful and reassess the situation presently, I might have a small cup of tea in about half an hour'. I am miserable.

So I have achieved. This is very exciting. I have many more achievements that really should have been done about 10 days ago, one that is excruciatingly late but involves me making an assessment of a terrifyingly complicated Flash file and giving a predictably poor quote for the development of it, which I shall loathe and dread from start to finish.

Five minutes to go. If I take a steady walk to the kitchen and prepare my sandwich with precision it may be an acceptable time to Consume Those Carbs (I might get that printed on a tee-shirt. That is my life.).


Anonymous said...

the little thingy deep inside wants fooooooood. Just feed it a steady supply of food and you will no longer get that insta headache, drop in sugar and tummy ache all at once. :)

thewebstress said...

ahh I hope I don't take your advice to too much of an extreme! As I can't drink now, I think my body rightfully deserves all the calories denied from my Friday G&T! (And Saturday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday...)

Daphne said...

Just read, and enjoyed, all your posts and I'll keep reading. I remember when it was me - - that was 1989 - - now she's at university and getting married in two weeks. Ooh er, I feel about a hundred and twenty now.

thewebstress said...

Daphne thanks so much for your comments. I really appreciate your support and any advice from someone who's been through it all!

Jocelyn said...

I love being able to experience the indside details of your quease; I'm one of those terribly-annoying women who never suffered a pang of morning/all-day sickness.

When you're back on the tea in some weeks here, think how much you'll appreciate it anew, having been off it for so long.

Good luck with the work!

thewebstress said...

Jocelyn I'm so jealous!! I know I haven't had it nearly as bad as some, but I wouldn't wish this on anyone and so glad you got away without enduring it!