Tuesday 12 February 2008

Steps to Stardom

"If your dreams seem more bizarre than usual, filled with images of sex, talking animals, and huge, towering buildings, you can put them down to a combination of the progesterone surging through your veins and your excitement and apprehension about pregnancy and motherhood. "Dreams reflect your emotional reality," says sleep expert Mary O'Malley. "Pregnancy brings up positive and negative feelings that you'll digest through your dreams."

Another reason why your dreams may have changed in style is that you are more likely to interrupt a dream-filled cycle of REM sleep by frequent waking during the night to go to the loo, ease a leg cramp, or move to a more comfortable position.

Source: www.babycentre.co.uk

On Sunday night, among other peculiarities, I dreamed that Amy Winehouse was formerly one of the key members of Steps.

She was receiving an award for her musical achievements (obvious references seeping in to my REM) and they presented a brief flash back of her previous pop career. There she was, in a video not quite of anything, with a soundtrack equally as bland and unmemorable, standing next to Faye (if she's the dreadlocked one) doing some sort of choreographed dance routine.

I thought to myself it was surprising I had not noted this previously, but didn't find it all that surprising, drawing comparisons with Robbie Williams' former boy band career in Take That.

On Monday morning, where her gentle soothing airs and graces wafted over the airways in an award winning speech regarding a recent award (ahem), there was brief moment of total belief that her career in Steps had been the springboard to greater talents.

Then, sadly, reality kicked back in and I remembered that no such wholesome career had prececeded her rise to Diva-esque fame.


MrsG said...

That's awesome. A much better dream-residue than the old 'Did we have a fight? I woke up mad at you and I don't know why...'.

Steps would have been so much cooler if she had been in it...

thewebstress said...

Oooh I adore that - dream residue! Makes it sound like ectoplasm...can't quite shake it off the next day (although perhaps isn't quite so green...)...