Tuesday 5 February 2008

Mid-morning moan

My longed for piece of jam on toast was hideously misguided.

To the point I have had to consume a mountain of Swedish crispbread to calm the volatile, angry foetus that obviously wasn't impressed.

I have so far eaten:

1 x bowl of cornflakes with low fat soya milk and a teeth decay inducing volume of sugar
1 x piece of granary toast with olive spread and low sugar jam
5 x dry Swedish cracker breads

It is 11:07. I feel obese. My fat cells are having a party and it seems that everyone's invited.

And I appear to have forgotten how to design. Quite problematic as a web designer or, under my more pretentious alter ego, a digital artist.

Today does not bode well.


MrsG said...

9 weeks is excellent!! You are 2 weeks closer then you thought to being able to just say out loud those words you've been mouthing!

thewebstress said...

I've managed to have some beans on toast which has calmed the foetus...!